A multi period site in use some 2500 years. The first phase saw the construction of two slab sided burial chambers, one with capstones and a second, larger chamber without. The unroofed chamber has two large stone markers at its western end. Beyond the second chamber was a rubble cairn and stone platform. The whole monument was covered by a mound and surrounded by granite blocks and dry stone walling. No bones were found in the chambers but the larger chamber contained two, crushed Bandkeramik pots.
After 500 years of use the site was filled in with large stones and beach sand. At around 3000BC parts of the mound were leveled and a timber structure, probably a shrine built.
Finally, in the Early Bronze Age the whole structure was covered with a 35m long mound and 8 barbed and tanged flint arrowheads deposited. The area continued to be used up until 1200AD when it became covered in wind blown sand. |